
An Okada High Court presided over by Justice A.T. Momodu has granted an of interim injunction restraining Mr. Johnson Aiyamekhue Agbontaen from parading himself as acting or substantive Odionwere of Eko-Abetu community, Ovia North East local government area, Edo State, pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice filed by I E.Orhue, Esquire, Counsel to the Claimant, Mr. Wilson Eghomwanre Osarenkhoe.

Justice Momodu, having listened to the briefs of Counsel to the Claimant on exparte application and relying on Order Forty, Rule Eight of the court directed the defendants, Johnson Aiyemekhue Agbontaen and Lugard Emokpae to show cause why the order sought should not be made

According to the court, the defendants up till date have either refused or neglected to show cause for over two years when the order was made.

Justice Momodu also granted an order of interim injunction restraining the defendants, Mr. Johnson Agbontaen from installing himself as the Odionwere of Eko-Abetu community, pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice.

The presiding judge similarly granted an order of interim injunction restraining Mr. Agbontaen, his agents or servants from selling, leasing or alienating the whole or any part of Eko-Abetu community land, pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice.

The case was adjourned to the Eighth of July, 2024 for hearing of the motion on notice.







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